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+++ 23 + 24.01.2025 no currywurst in the canteen!
Dear guests, the currywurst counter in the canteen is currently closed.



+++ Temporarily changed opening hours cafeteria library
Monday 20.01.2025 - Friday 24.01.2025 the cafeteria library closes at 14:30


+++ Extended opening hours of the University of Music & Dance canteen
The canteen of the University of Music and Dance will remain open for you up to and including the 7th of February. We wish you every success in your exams and tests!



Welcome in Wuppertal!

The Studierendenwerk Wuppertal (STWWTAL) warmly welcomes all first-year students. With the help of the new brochure, you can now get clear information. On a few pages we introduce ourselves and show you how we can support your everyday student life. Click here to find out more.

If you would like more information about the university and tips on how to find your way around, click here to download the full brochure.

We wish all students a good start to the new semester!

News from the STWWTAL

Studying on an empty stomach? Not with us!

The 'Freitisch' of the Sudierendenwerk Wuppertal helps!

If you run out of money for food in the middle of the month, there is a simple solution in cooperation with the church at the university.

After a short counselling session at the church, students receive vouchers for 5 Mensa meals. These are personalised and are valid for a fortnight.

Find out more about the 'Freitisch' now by calling 0202-439 3861.



Neues Mensa-Konzept ab Febraur 2025: Einladung zur Info-Veranstaltung

Komponentensystem statt Menü! Einladung zur Infoveranstaltung: 23.01.2025, 15:00 Uhr, Mensa.

read more >

Türkische Woche in der Cafeteria ME03

13.01 – 17.01.2025: Eine Reise in die Türkei – direkt auf eure Teller: mit Kuru Fasulye, Kumpir und...

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Annual report 2023: A year of change and new beginnings

Studierendenwerk Wuppertal's 2023 annual report offers exciting insights into a year full of changes - with a focus on catering, housing, financing and sustainability.

All highlights and developments are available directly in the interactive PDF!

Click here for the annual report 2023 >>

Menu plans

For small appetites, big appetites and every eating style

A selection of fresh and varied dishes for your lunch break awaits you every day on our varied menu.

At a total of eight locations, we offer students, employees and guests everything their culinary heart desires - from lunch to snacks. Depending on the catering facility, you can choose between complete menus, freshly prepared specials or wok dishes, salads, fresh rolls, baguettes and cakes. Breakfast is also available for early visitors.

Click here for the menu plans >>


Food and drink

Jobs for students and jobs at STWTAL



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