Arrived - first stage completed! And now? As you can see here, nobody has to be left alone in Wuppertal when it comes to finding their way around the university...

Life in Germany
151 nationalities from all continents live in Wuppertal. more >

Language tandem
Learning foreign languages, chatting, making phone calls and more - with the so-called language tandem, a student can find a learning partner anywhere in the world with whom they can practise their language skills. more >

It can get a bit lively in a shared flat, but no international student will come into contact with students from Germany or other countries more quickly than in a hall of residence. more >

Working and studying belong together. more >

Learning German
It is both coveted and feared by international applicants: the DSH (German language test for university admission for foreign-language applicants) more >

Failed exams, rent arrears, trouble with flatmates - studying can't always run smoothly. There are contact persons for serious problems. more >

Leisure time
The range of leisure activities in and around Wuppertal is just as gigantic as the wealth of tips on where, when and what is going on. more >