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- Checklists for moving in or moving out

- useful tips for leisure time in Wuppertal

- emergency plans and other downloads

and more..

Easy explained:
Our Illustrated living at student dorm dictionary (PDF 5MB)

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For further informations please contact:

Hochschul-Sozialwerk Wuppertal
Studentenwohnheim "Neue Burse"
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 10, Ebene 1
42119 Wuppertal
Fon 0202 - 430 40 40
Fax 0202 - 430 40 490
E-Mail: wohnen(at)

The market for accommodation has its own language - and this is additionally full of pitfalls.

Here you find some useful tipps to take in mind looking for accommodation.


Please translate to englisch


Beispiel einer Wohnungsanzeige
„Ab sofort 2 ZDB, im ZFH, DG, 52 m², Lam., Kochn., Du, G-WC, Balk., NSH, ruh. Haus, WBS, KM 220 € + HK 40 € + NK 70 €, 2 MM K, 0202-123 456“


Kosten / Miete / Heizkosten / Nebenkosten
Das Wichtigste sind natürlich die Kosten, die Sie nach einer Anmietung jeden Monat bezahlen müssen. Es wird unterschieden zwischen „Kaltmiete“ (KM) und „Warmmiete“ (WM). Bei der KM sind keine Kosten für Heizung kalkuliert, bei der WM hingegen schon. WM wird meist angeboten, wenn bauartbedingt kein eigener Wärmemengenzähler vorhanden ist, Ihre anteiligen Kosten werden dann vermutlich über die Wohnfläche ermittelt (Gesamtheizkosten des Hauses / alle Quadratmeter aller Wohnungen x Ihre Wohnfläche = Heizkosten). Dies ist dann von Nachteil, wenn Sie energiebewusst heizen, Ihre Mitbewohner aber nicht, Sie bezahlen jede Energieverschwendung anderer anteilig mit!

HK = Heizkosten, diese werden manchmal gesondert ausgewiesen. Meist wird hier der durchschnittliche Vorjahresverbrauch angesetzt. Sie bezahlen also 12 Monate eine geschätzte Pauschale, die aber am Jahresende gegen den tatsächlichen Verbrauch abgerechnet wird. Bestehen Sie möglichst darauf, Einblick in die Vorjahresrechnung zu erhalten!

NK = Nebenkosten, dies beinhaltet Kosten für z.B. Heizung (wenn nicht gesondert ausgewiesen, s. HK), Wasser, Abwasser, Allgemeinstrom, Aufzug, Kosten für Hauswart etc. In den NK sind meist nicht (!) die Kosten für Strom enthalten! Diese müssen Sie immer noch extra kalkulieren!

Fazit: Kalkulieren Sie immer die Hälfte der Kaltmiete als Nebenkosten – egal, was im Inserat steht! Befragen Sie möglichst die Vormieter und lassen Sie sich deren Abrechnungen vorlegen! Achten Sie auf eine detaillierte Aufstellung der Nebenkosten, akzeptieren Sie keine Pauschale ohne Einzelkostenaufstellung!

Mietberechnung in Studentenwohnheimen
Die Studentenwerke kalkulieren die Mieten anders, als der freie Wohnungsmarkt. Studentenwerke haben den staatlichen Auftrag, den Studierenden Wohnraum zum tatsächlichen Selbstkostenpreis anzubieten.
Da studentische Wohnanlagen häufig mit staatlichen Fördermitteln gebaut werden, sind die Mieten meist geringer als auf dem freien Wohnungsmarkt!
Damit Sie volle Kostenkontrolle haben, bieten wir Ihnen die Appartements zu einer ultra-all-inclusiv-Miete an:

Es werden sämtliche Verbrauchs- und Nebenkosten in einer Pauschalmiete erhoben, in Wuppertal sind auch TV und Internetanbindung in der Miete enthalten!

Es kommen für Sie nur noch Kosten für Ernährung und möglicherweise Telefon hinzu – mehr nicht!

Ein privater Vermieter hingegen liegt gern auf der sicheren Seite und kalkuliert oft einen gewissen „Gewinn“ in die Miete. Als Richtlinie für das, was erlaubt ist, gilt der örtliche Mietpreisspiegel.

Dies beschreibt die Raumaufteilung einer Wohnung. Die „2“ steht für die Anzahl der Zimmer, wobei Küche, Diele und Bad nicht mitgezählt werden.

Unser Beispiel steht also für „2 Zimmer, 1 Diele, 1 Bad“. Hier sollten Sie sich fragen, wo denn die Kochgelegenheit ist! „Kochn.“ bedeutet nämlich, dass in einem der beiden Zimmer eine kleine Kochnische installiert ist, eine Trennung von Wohnen und Essen wird in unserer Beispielwohnung nicht möglich sein.
Weitere Beispiele:

2 Zi. KDB = 2 Zimmer + Küche + Diele + Bad
2 Zi. KB, EBK = 2 Zimmer + Bad, in einem Zimmer gibt es eine Einbauküche

im ZFH

Dies beschreibt den Haustyp. Mögliche Varianten sind:
EFH = Einfahmilienhaus (1 Haus für 1 Mietpartei, frei stehend, meist mit Gartenfläche)
ZFH = Zweifamilienhaus (1 Haus mit 2 getrennten Eingängen und 2 getrennten Wohnungen, dieses steht aber frei, meist mit Gartenfläche
DHH = Doppelhaushälfte (2 Häuser, meist symmetrischer Bauart, diese stehen frei, meist mit Gartenfläche)

Wenn nichts erwähnt ist, handelt es sich um Mehrfamilienhäuser mit einem zentralen Treppenhaus, von dem die einzelnen Wohnungen abgehen.
Es können sich hier zwischen 3, meistens 4-8, und bis hin zu 20 Wohnungen befinden – letzteres wäre dann wohl ein Hochhaus.


Dies bezeichnet die Lage der Wohnung im Haus. Es gibt (von unten nach oben):
= Kellergeschoss
= Erdgeschoss
1., 2., … OG = 1. oder 2. Obergeschoss
DG = Dachgeschoss

52 m²
Dies bezeichnet die zur Verfügung stehende Wohnfläche, für die auch die Miete kalkuliert wird.

Zwei Besonderheiten sollten Sie hier beachten:

DG: Bei Dachgeschosswohnungen gibt es häufig Dachschrägen.
Die Flächen, in denen die Dachschräge unter 1,5 Meter hoch über dem Boden ist, darf nur zur Hälfte angerechnet werden. So kann eine DG-Wohnung mit Schrägen 52 m² Mietfläche haben, die Bodenfläche ist aber u.U. noch einige Quadratmeter größer!

Balk.: Gehören zur Wohnung ein Balkon oder eine Terrasse, so darf die halbe Fläche zur Wohnfläche addiert werden – eine 52 m²-Wohnung mit Balkon verfügt also vielleicht über einen 8 m² großen Balkon, die Hälfte (also 4 m²) werden zur Wohnfläche addiert, so dass die Wohnung innen nur 48 m² groß ist!

Dies bezieht sich auf unveränderliche Fußbodenbeläge, hier „Laminat“.
Wenn Sie keinen Hinweis finden, kann der Boden auch völlig kahl sein: ein Bodenbelag ist nicht Vermieterpflicht!

Kochn., EBK
Dies bezieht sich auf die vorhandene Kochmöglichkeit.
Eine Kochnische bedeutet, dass in einer Ecke eines der Zimmer eine meist kleine Kochzeile eingerichtet ist. Sie können also nicht beim Kochen die Tür hinter sich zu machen und Kochgerüche aus dem Wohnraum fernhalten.

bedeutet, dass eine Einbauküche installiert ist. Es handelt sich hierbei meist um hochwertigere Einbauten, die sich auch im Mietpreis wieder finden dürfen, d.h. die Miete pro Quadratmeter wirkt relativ hoch, Sie erhalten aber einen Gegenwert.

2 Zi KDB bedeutet, dass die Wohnung über 2 Zimmer und einen zusätzlichen Kochraum verfügt. Dieser kann u.U. sehr klein ausfallen.

2 Zi DB, WoKü
bedeutet, dass es einen eigenen Küchenraum gibt, dieser aber so groß ist, dass ein Esstisch aufgestellt werden kann. Die gleiche Wohnung könnte auch beschrieben sein mit „3 Zi DB, Kochn.“ – dies hängt davon ab, wie groß die Arbeitsfläche der Küche ist.


Dies beschreibt die Ausstattung des Badezimmers. „Du“ meint hier „Bad mit Dusche“, Sie werden also lediglich eine Dusche, keine Badewanne vorfinden.


Es gibt zusätzlich zum Badezimmer noch ein kleineres „Gäste-WC“, d.h. eine zweite Toilette und meist noch ein kleines Handwaschbecken.


Dies beschreibt die Heizungsart der Wohnung, hier „Nachtspeicherheizung“.
Diese Heizung wird mit Strom betrieben, den Sie meist zusätzlich zur Miete und zusätzlich zu den Nebenkosten selbst bezahlen müssen – Vorsicht!


ruh. Haus

Dies sind freie, aber meist wichtige Hinweise.
Lesen Sie diese sehr aufmerksam!
„ruhiges Haus“ bedeutet, dass die übrigen Hausbewohner empfindlich auf laute Geräusche durch z.B. Kinder, Musik, nächtlichen Besuch etc. reagieren.
Weiteres Beispiel ist:
ruh. Randl. = Wohnung am ruhigen Stadtrand, d.h. fern vom Zentrum


Zum Anmieten dieser Wohnung ist ein „Wohnberechtigungsschein“ erforderlich.
Dieser wird an Haushalte mit geringerem Einkommen vergeben, also meist auch an Studenten, Sie können einen WBS beantragen bei…

Stadt Wuppertal Meldewesen, Wohnen

2 MM K
Dies bezieht sich auf die von Ihnen zu entrichtende Kautionsleistung, in diesem Beispiel „2 Monatsmieten“.
Eine Kaution muss bei Mietbeginn entrichtet werden, eine Ratenzahlung über bis zu 3 Monate ist auch möglich. Eine Kaution stellt eine Sicherheit für den Wohnungseigentümer für Beschädigungen dar.
Wenn Sie bei Auszug Ihre Wohnung ohne Mängel und Schäden zurückgeben, erhalten Sie die Kaution in voller Höhe zurück! Wir empfehlen, ca. 1 Monat vor Mietende eine Vorabnahme durchzuführen, so kann frühzeitig ermittelt werden, ob Schäden vorliegen, für die Teile der Kaution einbehalten werden müssen oder nicht.
Dies beschleunigt auch die Kautionsabrechnung, also den Zeitraum zwischen Mietende und Kautionsrückzahlung – der darf nämlich bis zu 3 Monate betragen!



You have a valid contract - congratulation!

You receive the key to your appartement at the janitor´s office.
Please bring on the day of moving in your contract and a valid identity card.
If you have more questions - please feel free to contact the janitor´s office.

You sign and get your key in the janitor´s office.
Central office - Max-Horkheimer-Str. 10, Level 1.
The janitor will inform you about all the important characteristics of your appartement.

Very detailled information you can find here.

You will receive a protocoll about the status of your room when moving in.
Please check your appartement immediatelly if there are any damages or functional defects!

As we checked the appartement after left from your previous tenant we assume a defect free situation when you move in.
If you move out one day we assume the defects we find have been caused by you and might be repaired on your costs!

Please note all defects in moving in on the form and inform immediately with your protocoll the janitor´s office within 24 hours. Only with this we can avoid any later discrepancies.

Erasmus and Program Students in furnished rooms can also register for bed linen. It´s a once-only deduction of 19.50 € at the end of contract - cost free monthly change of bed linen.

Don´t hesitate to get to know all collective rooms of your new dormitory - there you have a good chance to meet other people.

We wish you a pleasant stay.

It goes without saying that the things you use every day are subject to wear and tear, including your apartment.

And if something breaks it always seems to happen in the evening or at the weekend – just the time when the Hausmeisterbüro is closed.

You yourself can solve most of the problems, however, with the help of this list:

Emergency rules in german (21.9 KB)

Emergency Procedures (35.7 KB)

Since we don’t offer a 24 hour service’ if your problem isn’t absolutely urgent, think about whether you could hang on until the morning of the next working day so the problem can be rectified by one of the janitors.

Notification of Deficiency (131 KB)

There are also the simple problems which don’t make living impossible but which should be repaired as soon as possible, like a broken icebox in the fridge, a broken ventilation fan in the bathroom, a loose door knob…

Please tell us all about such problems as soon as you can. You can eMail us:

New Regulations on Broadcasting Contribution Fees – Information for Student Tenants

To make dealing with the new broadcasting contribution fee a bit easier, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ):

1. How is the new contribution fee obligation regulated?

By law, public broadcasting services are financed by a fee in Germany.
The revised Broadcasting Law was placed into effect on the 1st of January 2013. Also, the name of organization responsible for collecting the contribution fee was changed from “Gebühreneinzugszentrale” (GEZ) to “ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice.”

As of January 2013, each household has to pay one basic flat rate to cover all devices. Each residence pays €17.98 monthly, regardless of which devices the residence has or uses, and whether or not any devices are even present in the residence. This corresponds with the recent maximum rate – which means basically nothing changes for those who have already registered a television device. All possible types of usage are covered by paying this fee, even the usage of such devices in a vehicle.

The contribution fee is to be paid three months at a time.

 2. Who has to pay?

Persons owing the contribution are the homeowner/s – i.e., every person who is of legal age and who actually lives there, regardless of nationality. Since demarcation difficulties are inevitable, each tenant, and every person, who is registered in the residence counts as a homeowner (for simplification we will describe them all as tenants from this point forward.)

If there is more than one tenant – such as in a shared living residences / shared apartments – then all tenants are jointly and severally liable. This means that, in principle, any one of the tenants may be held responsible to pay the contribution fee for all tenants combined. This one tenant must pay one amount completely and for everyone; independently, the tenants must determine their own obligations to compensate for their portions of the fee. In other words, this means that the more contribution-paying (nonexempt) tenants that live in a shared living residence, the lower the proportionate sum will be that each of them has to pay. The fact that each tenant may have signed his/her own tenancy agreement is not a factor.

3. What is a “residence”?

Basically, in this sense, every self-contained room unit counts as a residence if it is

  •   used for living or sleeping and
  •   can be accessed through its own entrance, directly from a staircase, a lobby or    anteroom or from outside – and not through another living room.


4. How exactly do dorm rooms in student residence halls count as “residences”?

  •  Single apartments are counted as single residences. Here, the tenant has to pay the contribution fee of €17.98 per month (to see if you are exempted from paying, please refer to Question 5.)
  •  Double apartments and the so-called residential groups (i.e., shared apartments) are each allowed to be considered as one residence, meaning only one tenant has to pay the contribution fee.
  • In the so-called “dormitory buildings” - which have a shared kitchen and/or bathroom for everyone on that floor - regretfully, the legal situation is not quite clear. The “ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice” will probably try to define each room as a “residence”, meaning that all tenants on the floor would then have to individually pay towards the whole contribution fee. We recommend that the tenants should of course claim their respective floor as one residence.

5. How may I be exempted from the contribution fee?

Recipients of social benefits can, upon application, be exempted from the contribution fee
obligation. Counted amongst these recipients are recipients of BAföG
(Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) who no longer live with their parents.

The application for exemption is to be submitted in written form to the respective regional broadcasting corporation; the according application forms are readily available in cities and communities, as well as on the internet. The application must include the original or a certified copy of the current version of their BAföG assessment. Furthermore, whoever lives in a shared living residence must disclose the names of his or her roommates as well.

By the way: whoever does not receive BAföG assistance - and whose income exceeds the respective limit by less than €17.98 - may apply for an exemption from the contribution fee as a special hardship case. In this case, the notice of rejection by BAföG assistance must be submitted.

For married couples and couples with an officially registered life partnership (the official title is “eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft”) who share a residence, for example in a double apartment, the BAföG exemption rule also applies for one’s partner. However, if a couple is living together in a partnership that is not officially registered, then one’s partner will be asked to pay the contribution fee.

All regulations regarding the exemption or reduction of the contribution fee are listed in Section 4 of the Broadcasting Treaty, or “Rundfunkbeitragsstaatsvertrag.”

5 a) May I be exempted if my residence at the city where I study is only my official second home?

No, the contribution fee has to be paid per residence, not per person.

5 b) Are students from abroad exempted?

No, there are no special regulations for students from abroad/foreign students. Also, there are no special regulations for students with scholarships or for students who are in Germany on exchange programs (i.e., Erasmus.)

6. How are the contributors in shared living residences chosen?

The tenants of a shared living residence, who are obligated to pay the fee, are so-called joint debtors. This means that the broadcasting contribution fee could be demanded only once, randomly and completely, from any tenant. This person is then entitled to collect each of his or her tenants’ portions of the fee directly from them.

It can turn out to be more complicated if individual roommates are exempted from the obligation to pay – for example, recipients of BAföG assistance are exempted from paying their contribution.

Example: In a shared living residence consisting of four adult students, one of the students is a BAföG recipient. Meanwhile, one of the shared residence tenants is requested by the ARD ZDF German Radio Broadcasting Contribution Service to be the fee contributor and therefore has to pay €17.98 per month. He/she can then fairly request €6.00 (€17.98 / 3) from the other two shared residence tenants who are obligated to pay the fee. Finally, the BAföG recipient is kept out of the picture because he or she is exempted from paying the fee.

7. Can shared-living residences select the fee contributor themselves?

No. The essence of the joint and several debtor liability is that the creditor – here, the according regional radio broadcasting corporation – can decide who they want to choose as the person responsible for paying the fee.

Therefore, the trick cannot be pulled off where the tenants of a shared living residence simply choose a BAföG recipient to be the responsible fee contributor, who would of course be exempted from paying the fee.

8. May the landlord choose to take over the radio contribution fee and proportionately include the fee amount in the cost of rent and operation costs that they charge the tenants?

No! This is legally impossible for the landlord due to rental law. Regardless, this distribution between tenant and landlord would also not change anything: the joint and several debtor liability relation still stands, and the broadcasting corporation can therefore choose any of the home-owning tenants to be the responsible fee contributor.

9. How do the broadcasting corporations come to access tenants’ data?

These corporations gain access to such data from the registration offices, because these offices submit data for the existing and initial registration of all adult persons to the according regional broadcasting corporation. Included in such data, amongst other things, are: one’s name, birthdate, marital status, one’s current and last address as well as the date they moved in.

Furthermore, the homeowners themselves have the obligation to report and disclose their information to the according regional broadcasting corporation (see Question 11 for more information.) Although a broadcasting corporation can also demand information about tenants from landlords, they are only allowed to do so if they can prove that they do not have another option to determine who the homeowner of a residence is.

10. What happens if I had already been paying the contribution fee?

It is assumed that everyone who had been paying the broadcasting contribution fee will also continue to pay such in the future. The conversion into the broadcasting contribution fee will therefore proceed automatically, as long as no other details are made.

In the cases, where there is more than one contributor within a shared living group (= 1 x Obligation to Pay Contribution Fee,) you should not rely on the ARD ZDF German Radio Broadcasting Contribution Service to contact you and correct this. Instead, you must presumably take it upon yourself to do so.

11. What obligation to provide information do I have as a tenant?

Every occupant is required to register his/herself at the according regional broadcasting corporation and inform the corporation of any changes in his/her own data. This is, however, not the case in shared apartments if one of the roommates is registered and pays the contribution fee. Moreover, the according regional broadcasting corporation can request each debtor for further information about his/her data.

12. May I “duck”, or avoid paying the fee, and what happens if I do not pay?

With the household reception fee, it is very difficult for people to avoid paying the fee. In the past, one was able to avoid paying the fee relatively easily because the GEZ had to prove that devices subject to charges were present. Now, one has to prove that it is impossible for them to receive broadcasting service reception – if one cannot prove this, then the fee will be charged, unless one is exempted.

Warning! Those who deliberately or negligently avoid paying the fee can be considered as committing an administrative offence and could be ordered to pay a fine as punishment.

13. Can the broadcasting company demand access to apartments?

No, they were not allowed to demand access in the past and also will not be able to do so in the future. Entering an apartment is also not necessary anymore, since the fee is due independent of the amount of devices in the apartment or whether any such devices are even present.

14. Where can I obtain further information?

Further information can be found on the internet at There you will also find the registration form for the exemption from the broadcasting contribution fee. 

You rent your apartment for a fixed period of time, which means you have a specific day on which you are due to leave.
You are able to apply to extend your tenancy agreement up to 5 months before you’re due to be done with renting your apartment. Give your application to the accommodation office in writing clearly stating your reasons.
When you have reached the end of your tenancy agreement you must hand over your apartment in the state in which you originally found it: The windows, walls, floor, bathroom and kitchen should be in a flawless state so a tenant can move in on the same day.

We strongly recommend you to arrange an advance handover inspection with one of our janitors 3-4 weeks prior to the end of the tenancy agreement. The janitor can then tell you whether anything needs to be repaired or repainted for instance. This will save you time, expenses and discussions when you move out.

You also have to arrange a date and time on which you want to handover your flat and your keys. You must hand your key over to one of our janitors in person.
If the flat is clean and flawless and you have handed your keys over then you will be repaid all of your deposit (this normally takes 3-6 weeks).
If the janitor should detect damage or faults for which you were responsible then money will be deducted from your deposit. The amount deducted depends on the type and extent of the damage.
If bigger problems should exist, e.g. damage to the flooring caused by water or damage to the units in the bathroom or kitchen then it is possible that we will have to ask a specialist company to complete the repairs. You will then have to pay the costs in full – even if they exceed your deposit. We will then keep your deposit and send you a bill for the remaining amount.
In this context, we once more highlight the importance of an advance inspection.

Please remember, if applicable, to cancel your telephone line in time and arrange for the final bill to be sent to your new address.

Fast broadband internet is provided in our residences. The cost of surfing the internet is included in your rent.

Full information and support is provided here.

The choice of leisure activities on offer in and around Wuppertal is as wide ranging as the tips on where, when, what and for whom things are going on – in cultural or culinary terms and much more!

Leisure time

Students are able to find any number of offers for amusement in Wuppertal.
The first port of call for those who like going out is the pub in the refectory (the Mensa).

An overview of the other locations and events is provided by the city magazines Coolibri and Heinz and the Wuppertal specialty, the satirical magazine iTALien. All three are available in Wuppertal pubs and are also available at other key locations such as the bookshops, the refectory, the pub etc. – and they are free of charge.

Live acts big and small can be seen on the theatre stages: at the Barmer opera house, the Schauspielhaus and on the most well known stage in the city, the TiC in Cronenberg. Regular cabaret shows are on offer in the city’s former dancing hall and cinema, the Forum Maximum in the Rex.

There is a range of cinemas on offer along the river Wupper: the Cinemaxx at the Kluse, the art house Cinema in Barmen and the Theater an der Gathe (TaG).

Treats for all sports enthusiasts: the city’s sports facilities and swimming pools. The zoo in the stadium of the same name is also home to water lovers and a host of other cute creatures.


Forum Maximum im Rex-Theater
Wuppertal Live
Kino "Theater an der Gathe"
Kino "Cinema"
Kino "Cinemaxx"
Zoo Wuppertal


Do you want to partake of the university’s sports facilities? In return for a small administrative fee (around 15 Euros per semester), these are just some of the sports available to students in Wuppertal: aerobics, aikido, aquarobic autogenous training, body-fit training, Capoeira, fencing, fitness boxing, flamenco, football, gymnastics, hockey, inline-hockey, inline-skating, karate, juggling, climbing, horse riding and Tai Chi 
Sports for students:

Food & Drink

After many years of experience we can confidently say to all newcomers that the nightlife in Wuppertal certainly doesn’t want for watering holes! For a particularly stylish tipple, head to the Luisenviertel in Elberfeld. The Brauhaus in Barmen used to be the local swimming baths – which means it has a century of experience with the liquid elements! The Sopp’sche Pavillion is located next to the Schauspielhaus and Cinemaxx at the Kluse – right on the Hauptstraße between Elberfeld and Barmen. For further tips, check the city magazines Coolibri, Heinz and iTALien, and the ‘Bewegungsmelder' and Wuppertal navigator online.


Party & more

If you’re fishing for compliments, head to the U-Club, Butan and the Solinger Getaway. For additional tips for parties, look no further than the free city magazines Coolibri, Heinz and iTALien. The internet sites ANNOS.DE, the Bewegungsmelder and Wuppertal Live also provide listings of what’s on. (The following list makes no claim to completeness.)


Sooner or later, you're certain to find yourself thinking something along the following lines:

“It’s really great that it's so lively here, but tomorrow morning I've got an exam or a stressful job and I really need to get some sleep. I wish my neighbours weren’t partying tonight - of all nights”

You’re living in a hall of residence, which means things will invariably be a little livelier. But you don’t have to tolerate everything!

To prevent aggro, taking a friendly approach and asking politely is always the best idea. Ask your neighbours to finish their party at midnight – or to continue their celebrations elsewhere. Do this in good time before you get completely stressed out and end up being unintentionally rude to someone.

Sometimes your neighbours won’t take any notice of you or they will deliberately try to annoy you. To this end, we have created a set of house rules which you accept on signing your contract. Remember that your neighbours have also signed the same contract! If your neighbours should behave unreasonably, please inform us: in the event of a dispute, we will then take appropriate action provided by tenancy law.
This should be the last resort – but please do not hesitate to make use of it, especially if you feel your studies are being adversely affected.

Dealing with problems is part and parcel of university life – but they don’t all have to be solved alone! The Bergische Universität Wuppertal has a team of consultants, an overview (> course of studies> counselling) of whom is provided here.

Making friends will help to reduce your level of boredom – in addition to our leisure time-Links.

Loneliness is different from boredom, however! We recommend the professional Psychologische Beratung der Zentralen Studienberatung (ZSB) (University Counselling Service). Additional information is provided here. 

You can’t find what you want on these pages?
You don’t have the time to read through everything here?

Then please take up contact with us!

Write us an email, ring us up, or stop by in the accommodation office – we look forward to meeting and helping all of our tenants out!