Failed exams, rent arrears, trouble with flatmates - studying can't always run smoothly. There are contact persons for serious problems.
If a student finds him/herself in an emergency situation through no fault of his/her own, financial aid can be granted via the social fund of the Studierendenwerk Wuppertal, Tel. 0202 - 439 2561/62.
The ASTA (Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss der Uni Wuppertal) offers legal, social, tuition fee and BAföG counselling.
During the graduation phase, it is possible to obtain an interest-free loan from the Student Services Loan Fund (DAKA). A guarantor must be provided for this. The funding department of the Studierendenwerk Wuppertal is locally responsible.
The Protestant Student Community in Wuppertal (ESG) and the Catholic University Community help out financially in extreme cases of emergency through no fault of their own.
Study programme
There can be various reasons why your studies are stalling. Study groups in which subject matter is explained and exchanged can help. The student councils can also provide advice and, for example, provide copies of exams from previous semesters.
The ZSB The ZSB offers psychological counselling as well as guidance counselling and training that includes learning and working techniques, stress management and career guidance. The ASTA also offers counselling.
Contact difficulties
There are plenty of opportunities to get to know people: university get-togethers, parties, regulars' tables. If your inhibitions are too great, the ZSB offers psychological counselling, guidance counselling and training in learning and working techniques, stress management and career guidance. The ASTA also provides counselling. There is a special support programme for disabled and chronically ill students..